Armidale, Australia

Armidale, Australia

We have arrived in Australia!

We have arrived in Australia!
Our Team!!! This is in Brisbane. Meagan, Amy, Savannah, Alicia, Gabe, Sarah, David, josh, Kendall, Ben, Courtney, Joseph, and Jared. They are amazing!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ready to Run!

Hi everyone! I am not much of a blogger, but I suppose I should join in this convenient media craze... The Lord has blessed me a ton with learning and growth opportunities, so why not talk about them! So as I get started... I am a full time student in North Alabama and I am a Christian. I am from a small town and I go to UNA. I am majoring in Public Communications and I love it! Blah, blah, blah enough about that..the purpose of my blog...

I am headed to Armidale, Australia! In the middle of May I, along with 9 other students and 3 leaders, will be going Down Under to the University of New England, right smack in the middle of Brisbane and Sydney, to build relationships and serve the local church by getting students plugged into the ministry. How exciting! I have been fortunate to have been involved with an interdenominational student ministry on my campus called Campus Outreach and the Lord has opened many doors for me for growth in my walk with Him over the last two years.

Over the past 2 summers, I have lived and worked in Destin, Florida on Summer Beach Project. During this time, I have learned how to study the word more fervently and to spend time with the Lord. This summer is going to come with even more challenges as I get out of my comfort zone and into the will of the Lord in the most drastic way I have ever experienced. I learned this weekend at our retreat that we are going to be challenged in the toughest way yet by learning to lead ourselves in personal development to mature our walks with the Lord and strengthen each other on our team. I know that this is going to change my life as I know it. I have had missions in the back of my mind for several years now, and have been waiting for the Lord to show up and show out in my life in a big way that He would send me somewhere that He can use me.

This summer, the Lord has given me to opportunity to go to across the world on a Cross Cultural Project. There is a great need for laboring Christians in Australia, especially on the college campus. We will build vision for evangelizing the unreached, while learning how to better communicate the gospel in a secular world. Our hope is to see the Lord bring Australians to Christ and grow them into laborers. It is also a key time for character development and gaining a biblical view of fellowship with the body. The team will spend time building relationships with the students at the U. of New England in hopes of sharing the gospel with the lost and helping believers grow in their faith. I would love for you to be praying for this ministry and the going forth of the gospel!

The last several months, the Lord has been showing me that He is the only one worth depending fully on. He has been showing me that He is sovereign and that He works things out for my good:

And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose..Romans 8:28

...And so this means that He has no plan B. He knows what He is doing in our lives. For this reason I am learning to stretch my faith that He is going to provide the $6000 that I need for the trip. I am currently at 22% of that support. I would love for you to be in prayer for perseverance on my part and faithfulness of the part of supporters and potential supporters.

This opportunity to go is one that I will not take for granted and I know its the most amazing thing that I have been a part of yet. As they say down under, this trip will be 'Sweet As'!

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